Showing posts with label Global Mind. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Global Mind. Show all posts

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Evolutionary Emergence: From Primordial Atoms to Living Algorithms of Artificial Superintelligence


“Complexity is not just a feature of evolution; it's a product of the rules of emergence that govern the universe.”

Neil deGrasse Tyson

Big history started with the Alpha Point, be it the Big Bang or Big Bounce, and resembles a huge ongoing evolutionary computing program running on the universal computer of sorts. As a rule, which I refer to as ‘Universal Evolutionary Doubling Algorithm,’ or simply ‘Exponential Evolution,’ the pace of any evolutionary process always quickens It took billions of years since the Big Bang for Earth to form. It took two billion more for unicellular life to “warm up” for the next phase of multicellularity about 550 million years ago. Mammals inherited Earth some 65 million years ago. With the emergence of primates, evolutionary progress was measured in mere millions of years, leading to Homo sapiens some 300,000 years ago.

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Exploring the Role of Emotional Intelligence in the Post-Singularity Era

 "The best way to predict the future is to invent it."

— Alan Kay


the fascinating journey through the paradigms of mind's evolution and the future of intelligent life as described in my written works like "The Syntellect Hypothesis: Five Paradigms of the Mind's Evolution" and "The Cybernetic Singularity: The Syntellect Emergence," much focus has been placed on the intellectual and technological aspects of this evolution. However, one area that we should reexamine is the role of emotional intelligence (EI) in the post-singularity era. As we step into an era where the lines between human and machine blur, understanding the integration of EI into our evolving identity becomes crucial.

Saturday, October 14, 2023

Cybernetic Theory: Information Physics, Quantum Cosmology, Simulation Metaphysics

"The Cosmos is within us. We are made of star-stuff. We are a way for the universe to know itself." -Carl Sagan


the intellectual landscape of scientific inquiry, explanatory theories serve as foundational frameworks that offer more than mere descriptive accounts; they elucidate the underlying principles and causal mechanisms that govern observed phenomena. Unlike purely mathematical models, which may adeptly characterize patterns or statistical correlations, explanatory theories confer ontological insights into the 'how' and 'why' of natural processes.

Thursday, March 9, 2023

The Future of Consciousness: How Singularity Could Change the Way We Experience Life


"I am not a thing a noun. I seem to be a verb, an evolutionary process an integral function of the Universe.―Buckminster Fuller



he era of Technological Singularity is expected to trigger profound changes in both social and technogenic structures. The introduction of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), that can be both disembodied and embodied as smart robots, will bring about a multitude of issues, including human unemployment or underemployment, ethical considerations regarding the treatment of robots, the challenge of managing their runaway superintelligence, and most importantly, harnessing the potential of human-machine convergence.

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Cyberhumanism: Our Future Prospect of Self-Divinization


"Having invented the gods, perhaps we can turn into them.” Alan Harrington

​So, what is Cyberhumanism? What might be the Code of Reality? Do we live in a simulated multiverse? Can we cheat death and live indefinitely long? What mind-uploading may look like in the future? Can we become cybergods in our own ultrarealistic virtual worlds? 

In a nutshell, Cyberhumanism is my version of posthumanism when happens a mass migration of minds to the metaverse triggering some kind of phase transition to the planetary consciousness. It is when the posthuman era begins in earnest. 

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Cybernetic Immortality: Why Our Cyberhuman Future is Closer Than You Think

"We are not stuff that abides, but patterns that perpetuate themselves."  -Norbert Wiener

By definition, posthumanism (I choose to call it ‘cyberhumanism’) is to replace transhumanism at the center stage circa 2035. By then, mind uploading could become a reality with gradual neuronal replacement, rapid advancements in Strong AI, massively parallel computing, and nanotechnology allowing us to directly connect our brains to the Cloud-based infrastructure of the Global Brain. Via interaction with our AI assistants, the GB will know us better than we know ourselves in all respects, so mind-transfer, or rather “mind migration,” for billions of enhanced humans would be seamless, sometime by mid-century.

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Evolutionary Cybernetics 101: Gaia 2.0, Web 3.0

“We are not the stuff that abides, but patterns that perpetuate themselves.” Norbert Wiener, The Human Use of Human Beings: Cybernetics and Society

In my recent online interactions, I was asked by Arend van Campen and Jelel Ezzine to define cybernetics in my work. Here I decided to expand on my explanation a little bit and provide you a few useful links. For a basic definition, cybernetics can be defined as a multidisciplinary approach to study evolutionary processes and feedback-driven systems of control between animal and machine. My chosen field, evolutionary cybernetics as well as my chosen philosophical discipline, philosophy of mind, both are aimed to investigate this new human-machine paradigm.

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Holo Syntellectus: Are We Evolving into a New Cybernetic Species Interlinked into the Global Mind?

"When we look through the other end of the telescope, however, we can see a different pattern. We can make out what I call the One Mind — not a subdivision of consciousness, but the overarching, inclusive dimension to which all the mental components of all individual minds, past, present, and future belong. I capitalize the One Mind to distinguish it from the single, one mind that each individual appears to possess." -Larry Dossey

Are we evolving into a new species with hybrid thinking, interlinked into the Global Mind? At what point may the Web become self-aware? Once our neocortices are seamlessly connected to the Web, how will that feel like to step up one level above human consciousness to global consciousness?

Monday, September 27, 2021

Where Do We Fit in the Cosmic Scheme and Where Are We Headed?


"The Universe begins to look more like a great thought than a great machine.” James Jeans

Today's machine learning already employs combined elements of cognitive architectures, evolutionary computing and neuromorphic engineering. Post-singularity superintelligence could have complete access to their own source code  a level of self-awareness presently beyond human capability. That would allow our future syntelligence to create myriad virtual worlds right out of our own superimagination. This scenario might have already happened elsewhere and we can’t completely rule out a possibility that we’re part of that kind of simulated reality right now. At the same time, we ourselves are moving towards the point of 'Theogenesis' where we can rightly call ourselves cybergods.

Saturday, August 7, 2021

AGI: How to Ensure Benevolence in Synthetic Superintelligence (Part III: Conclusion)

*Image: Shutterstock

"For 130,000 years, our capacity to reason has remained unchanged. The combined intellect of the neuroscientists, mathematicians and… hackers… pales in comparison to the most basic A.I. Once online, a sentient machine will quickly overcome the limits of biology. And in a short time, its analytic power will become greater than the collective intelligence of every person born in the history of the world. So, imagine such an entity with a full range of human emotion. Even self-awareness. Some scientists refer to this as the Singularity, I call it Transcendence." -Dr. Will Caster (Johnny Depp, Transcendence, The Movie 2014)

Creating a digital mind, “artificial consciousness” so to speak, from scratch, based on simulation of the human brain’s functionality would be much easier than to create the whole brain emulation of a living human. In the book “How to Create a Mind: The Secret of the Human Thought Revealed” (2012) Ray Kurzweil describes his theory of how our neocortex works as a self-organizing hierarchical system of pattern recognizers that well may be our starting basis for machine consciousness algorithms. The human brain and its interaction with the environment may be simulated to approximate the functioning of the human brain of an individual living in the pre-Singularity era. Simulation may be satisfactory if it reflects our history based on enormous amount of digital or digitized data accumulated since the 1950s to the present.

Thursday, April 8, 2021

Transcendental Cybernetics: Imagining the Technological Singularity

“​Evolution is a process of creating patterns of increasing order… I believe that it’s the evolution of patterns that constitutes the ultimate story of our world. Each stage or epoch uses the information-processing methods of the previous epoch to create the next.” -Ray Kurzweil

“To understand is to perceive patterns.” -Isaiah Berlin

Sunday, December 20, 2020

The Case for Teleological Evolution


“Each of us appears in the divine play in a dual role of creator and actor. A full and realistic enactment of our role in the cosmic drama requires the suspension of our true identity. We have to forget our authorship and follow the script.”  Stanislav Grof


ur human minds are fractals of the larger cosmic mind and consciousness is all that is. Information, which physicists now claim to be fundamental, requires consciousness to assign meaning to it. In other words, Universal Mind is the sole ontological primitive, what we would call the “Multiverse” is in actuality a “matryoshka” of networks of entangled conscious minds, and our experiential reality emerges from confluent digital data streams. So, what’s the basis for such radical claims, you might ask. 

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Gaia 2.0: A New Grand Extension to the Original Hypothesis


“The basic pattern of life is a network. Whenever you see life, you see networks. The whole planet, what we can term ‘Gaia’ is a network of processes involving feedback tubes. Humans are part of the larger whole, Gaia.”      -Fritjof Capra



hen studying Earth’s global biosphere, Lynn Margulis and James Lovelock recognized that it has certain qualities of a life form. Many of Earth’s life‐sustaining elements display phenomenal stability, dynamic equilibrium and self-regulation, known in biology as ‘homeostasis’. The temperature range of the climate; the oxygen content of the atmosphere; the chemistry and salinity of the ocean — all of these are biologically mediated. All have, for hundreds of millions of years, stayed within a range conducive to life. 

Lovelock and Margulis hypothesized that the totality of life is interacting with its environment in ways that regulate these global properties. They realized that Earth is, in a sense, a living organism. They named this creature Gaia after the ancient Greek Earth goddess.

Thursday, August 27, 2020

A Note from the Future: Becoming a Cyberhuman


"The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be."    -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Today is a special day for me. My AI assistant Ava scheduled a few hours aside from my otherwise busy daily lineup to relive select childhood and adolescence memories recreated in virtual reality with a help of a newly developed AI technique ‘Re:Live’. Ava is my smart home assistant, too. I can rearrange furniture in any room, for example, just by thinking. Digital landscape wallpaper is changed by Ava by knowing my preferences and sensing my moods.

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Digital Ontology: Rethinking the Hard Problem of Consciousness

"Science cannot solve the ultimate mystery of Nature. And that is because, in the last analysis, we ourselves are a part of the mystery that we are trying to solve."  -Max Planck

The following excerpt from my recently-published book Theology of Digital Physics: Phenomenal Consciousness, The Cosmic Self & The Pantheistic Interpretation of Our Holographic Reality may be hard to swallow for some die-hard materialists. This is why I urge some of you to read it with an open mind and abstain from making hasty conclusions. Keep in mind that this excerpt is but a small sample of much larger discussion of the hard problem of consciousness covered quite extensively in my book with the "meta-analysis" of leading theories of consciousness, substantiated claims, certain proposed solutions in regards to phenomenology, future possibilities of mind-uploading and, as the title suggests, theological implications of Digital Physics.

The Quantum Code of Time's Flow: Quantum Temporal Mechanics as a Novel QM Interpretation

"We always say the past is gone and the future is unreal, but the quantum perspective suggests they might be woven together in ways we ...

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