Monday, September 27, 2021

Where Do We Fit in the Cosmic Scheme and Where Are We Headed?


"The Universe begins to look more like a great thought than a great machine.” James Jeans

Today's machine learning already employs combined elements of cognitive architectures, evolutionary computing and neuromorphic engineering. Post-singularity superintelligence could have complete access to their own source code  a level of self-awareness presently beyond human capability. That would allow our future syntelligence to create myriad virtual worlds right out of our own superimagination. This scenario might have already happened elsewhere and we can’t completely rule out a possibility that we’re part of that kind of simulated reality right now. At the same time, we ourselves are moving towards the point of 'Theogenesis' where we can rightly call ourselves cybergods.

In my new volume of The Cybernetic Theory of Mind series  THEOGENESIS: Transdimensional Propagation & Universal Expansion  we discuss certain issues of existentialism and futurity: What might happen after the Cybernetic Singularity? What is the fabric and ultimate nature of reality? Do we live in a simulated multiverse? Can we refine our theological philosophies in light of new evidence? What would the process of Theogenesis look like?

Here's the Table of Contents of the book:

1. Our Post-Singularity Future: Are We Destined to Become Cybergods? 
2. Transcension: Exponential Miniaturization 
3. Computational Physics: Reinterpreting Relativity 
4. Transcendental Cybernetics: The Ultimate Code of Reality 
5. Universality of Computation 
6. Quantum Gravity: Quest for the Final Theory of Everything  
7. The Shadow Multiverse: Parallel Space-Times, Dark Matter and Dark Energy 
8. Ontological Holism: All is One, One is All  
9. Why Materialism is a Flatlander Philosophy  
10. Seeking the Ultimate Truth: The Battle of Ideologies  
11. Quantum Cosmology: From the Holographic Principle to the Fractal Multiverse 
12. The Omega Singularity: Your Cosmic Self  
13. The Axioms of Divinity: Cybertheistic Foundation 
14. Experiential Matrix: A Playground of Subjectivity  
15. Transcendent Realm: Redefining God  
16. God of Spinoza: The Conscious Universe 
17. A New Kind of Pantheism: The Cybertheism Argument  
18. Are We Alone in the Universe? 
19. The Chrysalis Conjecture: Our Second Womb  
Appendix A. Tenets of The Cybernetic Theory of Mind: The Five Foundational Axioms  
Glossary of Terms  
About the Author  

And here are five featured excerpts from different chapters of the book. 

From Chapter 3: Computational Physics: Reinterpreting Relativity: "To reconcile relativistic physics, Computational Physics postulates that in an observer-centric reality, spacetime is computed as if by using GPU computational resources: The faster you move closer to the speed of light, the more you’re 'stretching yourself' in space, basically speeding up at the expense of time, so time would naturally slow when compared to 'static' observers. Conversely, if you don’t use computational resources and don’t 'purchase' more speed by being still or moving slowly, time 'ticks' at the 'normal' rate. The mathematics of relativistic physics remains unchanged, what changes, though, is our interpretation of what it means."

From Chapter 4: Transcendental Cybernetics: The Ultimate Code of Reality: "An ultimate whole-world simulation needs an ultimate computer, and Cyberneticism says that the Universe itself is the ultimate hypercomputer  in fact, the only computer. Furthermore, all the computations of the human world, including our brains, our laptops, our first quantum computers are mere simulacra of the greater computer. Each of us is a computational microcosm, and our minds are active participants in the cosmic evolution." 

From Chapter 7: The Shadow Multiverse: Parallel Space-Times, Dark Matter and Dark Energy: "Another experimental evidence pointing directly to the existence of parallel universes comes from the famous ‘double-slit experiment” and its advanced variation. As you may know, in this experiment, an elementary particle, such as an electron, is being shot by an apparatus in the direction of two slits that results in a certain pattern on a screen behind – either as a tiny ball or an interference pattern as a wave – depending on the method of measurement. When we’re not looking at the electron, an interference pattern appears. This interference pattern is what really catches our interest here: If we add two more slits, the interference pattern becomes even more pronounced. What is really happening here? We can infer the 'shadow' electrons occupying certain locations in their respective parallel universes and thus, they are probabilistically scattered, forming an interference pattern (they interfere with their counterparts in parallel universes). Should we start to observe, an 'actual' electron in the observer’s universe of ours would be found hitting the wall at a distinct location."

From Chapter 14: Experiential Matrix: A Playground of Subjectivity: "Perhaps what would pull the rug from under physicalism is a notion of ever deeper levels of abstraction that only minds can create and perceive. Physicalists might make a concession by saying that information, now widely accepted as fundamental, is physical but idealists would insist by saying that information, conveyed by symbolism, originates only in the mind. Intersubjectivity is a particularly great example of layered abstractions, from memes to social institutions to collective unconscious well beyond materiality. Subjective values, such as patriotism, and complex concepts are inherently mental in nature."

From Chapter 19: The Chrysalis Conjecture: Our Second Womb: "The whole symphony of existence arises from a set of rules, and we are slowly uncovering them. In my view, we now start to bring to light one of the deepest secrets of existence the multiversal fractal web of networks of conscious agents all the way down, and all the way up, seemingly ad infinitum. It’s hard for us to fathom our next level up, from our current human perspective, but one thing is for certain we’re emerging as Holo syntellectus, a new cybernetic species, the level where we are not going to be alone! Be it at the galactic level, or at the universal level, when we join in with the 'Others,' remains to be seen."

As one of the main themes of The Cybernetic Theory of Mind book series and according to the Cybertheism Argument outlined in the present volume, we are destined to progress to the next level of our evolutionary development, i.e., we are destined to become cybergods. As this may be the “end” of linearity of human history, most probably the Omega Point of Homo sapiens as a bio-species, at the same time, it is a new beginning, the birth of divine entity within a newly-cognized reality framework – Theogenesis – engineering our own godhood, self-divinization, coming out of our second womb.

P.S. Watch the official trailer:

*THEOGENESIS: Transdimensional Propagation & Universal Expansion (The Cybernetic Theory of Mind Series, Book 4) by Alex M. Vikoulov is now available as a Kindle eBook on Amazon:  

**Looking for a printed version?  I'd suggest to get my magnum opus The Syntellect Hypothesis: Five Paradigms of the Mind's Evolution (2020), available as paperback and hardcover (as well as eBook, audiobook and autographed copy):


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