Wednesday, July 22, 2020

How Our Minds Construct Perspectives and Simultaneously Perceive Manifested Patterns of Reality

"Representation of the world, like the world itself, is the work of men; they describe it from their own point of view, which they confuse with the absolute truth." -Simone de Beauvoir

Absolute truths are hard to come by, which is the basic premise of ‘hyper-perspectivism’. Rather, truths are always in the eyes of the beholder, truths are always observer-relative, truths are “made” by a “truth-maker.” You can approach our multifaceted reality from an incredibly large number of angles. Everything is perspectival, in other words, it all depends on your perspective, your frame of reference.

Why I Vote for Republican Candidate Donald Trump in This 2024 Presidential Election

       "War does not determine who is right—only who is left." — Bertrand Russell I n today's highly charged political climate...

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